20 Dec 2009

Signs of Pregnancy

Am I pregnant? For some women this question brings thoughts of joy and for some feelings of uncertainty. Short of actually visiting your doctor and getting a blood test done, there is no real way to telling for sure if you are pregnant, but there are certain signs of pregnancy that you can be on the look out for.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

* Missed period or a period with less bleeding than normal
* Backaches
* Constipation

Pregnant Cartoons

19 Dec 2009

What Is The Best Age for Getting Pregnant?

Age does play an important role in getting pregnant. Whether you are fit for your age, and whether or not you look like your age, your body indeed knows exactly how old you are. Your reproductive system knows it, too.

The optimum age for fertility for women begins at the age of 18. Until about the age of 25, women will be at their most fertile, and most likely to get pregnant. Beginning around 25 or 26, a woman’s fertility starts to decline. This decline is relatively gradual for the next ten years, however. It is not until the age of 35 that the process of losing fertility begins to speed up more rapidly. By the time a woman reaches the age of 40, she is exponentially more likely to have problems getting pregnant. In fact, around 2/3 of women who are over the age of 40 will have issues with infertility of some sort or another.

Pregnant Pirctures 1

Pregnant 40 Weeks

18 Dec 2009

The Best Time To Get Pregnant

The best or most fertile time to get pregnant is the period of ovulation in your menstrual cycle. This is the time when following an LH surge, a mature ovum is released into the uterus from the follicles. This egg or ovum is ready to be fertilized and stays so for about 12 hours after which it starts degenerating. The best way to determine your most fertile time is to pay attention to your body and learn to spot the physical signs of ovulation, and thereby the best time to get pregnant.

Evaluating The Best Time To Get Pregnant

To know the best time to get pregnant, it is first important to evaluate when your ovulation due is. Then, once you know your ovulation period, you can time sexual intercourse in accordance with it to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Counting Days To Getting Pregnant

What Is A Chemical Pregnancy?

A chemical pregnancy is the clinical term used for a very early miscarriage. In many cases, the positive pregnancy test was achieved before the woman’s period was due but a miscarrige occured before a heartbeat was able to be seen on an ultrasound.

With the ultra sensitive pregnancy tests on the market today, it is easier than ever to get a positive result 3 or 4 days before your period is due. It is wonderful for those who NEED to know, but does have it’s down side. Early testing shows chemical pregnancies which would not have been detected had the woman waited for her period to arrive.

Chemical pregnancies are unfortunately very common. 50 to 60% of first pregnancies end in miscarriage very early in pregnancy. Most occur without the woman even knowing that she was pregnant.

Getting Pregnant with Astrology and Your Lunar Cycle

Astrology and your lunar cycle may help you get pregnant, or it may just be a bunch of hype. You should be the one decide because there are two sides to this. Many doctors don’t agree with this technique at all, but supporters of astrology and lunar cycles, do. So, keep the following in mind as you consider astrology and getting pregnant with your lunar cycle. Remember, too, that if you have a medical condition that is preventing you from conceiving then this method won’t work for you.

Lunar Cycle

In order to understand your lunar cycle you will need to understand how the moon’s cycle affects your cycle. An average woman’s cycle is 28 days, so is the cycle from new moon to new moon. The lunar fertility cycle is based on the ideas that you will be most fertile during the moon’s cycle that is the same as when you were born. For example, if you were born when the moon was waxing the idea is that when the moon is waxing during your menstrual cycle you will be most fertile. It is believed that at birth the moon affects you for life based on hormones and biochemicals. This may be true, it may not be, but it is the premise of this method.

Tips :Can Stress Affect My Chances of Getting Pregnant?

An almost limitless number of factors can affect your chances of becoming pregnant. Sometimes, couples who are going through fertility problems are sheerly overwhelmed by the great many things that they need to do and avoid doing. Even something as seemingly unrelated as stress can affect your chances of getting pregnant.

That stress can affect your chances of getting pregnant should come as a surprise to no one. Stress can affect every area of a person’s life, from your social life to your job to your family life, even to your health and general well-being.

Tips : Chinese Medicine Treatment And Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Many people choose to turn to Chinese medicine treatment for a variety of health concerns. In some cases, western medicine can be invasive, and medications can be harmful to the body and/or are not meant to be used for a long time. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also called PCOS, is a condition that many women have and choose to use Chinese medicine treatment either by itself or alongside traditional medical treatments.

One of the most popular and most available Chinese medicine treatments for PCOS is a herb known as Dong Quai. Because PCOS is a chronic (recurring and/or long-term) condition, some people believe that it can be treated herbally. Herbs tend to be much more gently on the body than synthetic drugs are. Herbs are also generally able to be used for longer time periods, while many medications are not indicated for long-term or repeated use. Dong Quai is a Chinese herb, and has even been referred to as a “female ginseng.” Dong Quai can be used for longer periods of time. Dong Quai helps the endocrine system as well as the liver. Dong Quai is thought to help also with irregular menstruation, Premenstrual Syndrome, and other female problems.

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Acupuncture has been a popular way to relieve the aches and pains of pregnancy for years. The use of acupuncture not only assists in conception, but also to ensure a healthy pregnancy and an easier delivery. Whether you have an interest in conceiving, maintain a pregnancy, and/or having a safe delivery then you may be interested in acupuncture.


Acupuncture has many purposes in a healthy pregnancy. For example, it may be used for women with pre-existing medical problems, for pregnancy related aches and pains, or simply to help a mom-to-be stay healthy. Many women seek out acupuncture because it is affordable and effective for treatment of conditions like heartburn, psychological problems, morning sickness, fatigue, edema, hemorrhoids, constipation, rhinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, back pain, and other problems.

Tips to Getting Pregnant with a Certain Gender.

There are any number of old wives’ tales that will tell you how you can get pregnant with a certain gender. Some of these are actually based somewhat on biological facts; others are just sort of made up or anecdotal evidence. While you can’t really guarantee that you will become pregnant with a certain gender, it can be fun to experiment and try to come up with either a boy or a girl.

First, it is important to understand exactly what determines gender. The male’s sperm is what determines gender. This is particularly interesting, given the fact that there are examples in history in which a woman was punished or looked down upon because she did not produce a male offspring!

10 Tips : How to get Pregnant Faster - Part Two

Tip # 6. Before you start trying to get pregnant see your doctor.

Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

Tip # 7. When trying to get pregnant, don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs.

This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

10 Tips : How to get Pregnant Faster - Part One

Tip # 1. To get pregnant faster have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.

Tip # 2. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and don’t require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

Tips on Getting Pregnant Part 3

Increase the Odds
Make your vaginal environment as sperm-friendly as possible. Avoid vaginal sprays and scented tampons, artificial lubricants, and douching. Not only can they cause infections, they may wash away cervical mucus or create a hostile environment for the sperm.

If you find that your cervical mucus is not as conducive of getting pregnant as it should be, you may want to try a specific type of lubricant. Pre-Seed lubricant is the sperm friendly choice of many people trying to get pregnant. After intercourse, elevate your hips on a pillow for about fifteen minutes.

Tips on Getting Pregnant Part 2

Timing is Everything
You will have little chance of getting pregnant if you had sex on the wrong days and missed the most fertile ones. Figure out your ovulation days with our ovulation calendar to increase your chances of conception. Read our articles on Ovulation and Signs of ovulation to assist you in knowing your fertile period. Ovulation predictor kits can also help you figure out when you’re ovulating by detecting hormones in your urine that signal ovulation is about to occur.

Mind Control
Women who suffer from depression are twice as likely to have problems with fertility as women who don’t. Get a mental health check if you notice signs of depression. Also, try stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation, which research suggests can also help in getting pregnant.

Tips on Getting Pregnant Part 1

Ditch the pill
Yes, the first thing is to forget about contraception. You may notice certain irregularities in your cycle and may take a few months for your cycle to return to normal. But many women are fertile the first month after they stop taking the Pill. The same holds true for the contraceptive patch and ring.

Fuel up on folic acid
Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin that can help reduce the risk of serious birth defects that affect the brain and spinal cord. For this reason, the FDA recommends that all women attempting pregnancy take folic acid supplements for decreasing chances of birth defects.

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